FERNBROOK RESORT FREELTON: Why Couldn’t Caroline Cope With A
Facebook Comment? Part III
How did the Facebook community of Fernbrook Resort react to
the post of a Purple PT Cruiser with a black top’s questionable driving habits?
“When driving the sometimes perilous roads of Fernbrook I
take care. Especially when pedestrians are present. Tonight, as I was walking
to the clubhouse, a Purple PT Cruiser with a black top zoomed by me very
closely, approximately 3 inches away. If I had extended my elbow I could have
hit the car. Nice driving Bobby Rahal – you’re a sure bet to win the Fernbrook
500 next spring.”
There was at least eighty reads, a number of thumbs up and
one quasi-supportive comment which also received several thumbs up.
But not one thumbs
Not one negative
So it seemed like
the community at large were in complete agreement. That drivers should be
courteous when driving. That walkers should be aware when walking. And that all
should be respectful of each other. Share the road.
"Eat my dust Fernbrook Losers," beeped a triumphant PT Cruiser |
As we are going to learn however at least one person found
that Facebook post to be distasteful and chock full of harassment. Because when
I went back to the Fernbrook Information and News site I noticed that the post
was gone. It had lasted bout 40 hours, there were no negative comments or
thumbs down, yet the post had disappeared.
Was there a problem with what was published? Even though
there were no negative comments or remarks.
This guest story was submitted by Multatuli.
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